"National defense? Nope. Transportation? It is Not even close., the biggest single thing the Federal Government does these days is. .. choke controls. lots and lots and lots and lots of checks and switch to individual citizens--2.3 trillion dollars worth only last year. In fact, according to a table buried deep into historical tables volume a little-noticed the White House 2012 budget, these "direct payments to individuals" accounted for more than two thirds of Federal spending in 2010 (see chart above). This is a postwar high, and this share has been steadily climbing. Payments to individuals accounted for 2.4 percent of all federal spending in 1945. Since 1980 has been increased to 47% and in 1992 it crossed the 50 percent mark. (See chart above). where does all this money? More than half goes to seniors through social security and Medicare. Only approximately 38% goes to the poor. "And the remainder of the fee payments to farmers, students, unemployed, those seeking retraining assistance, veterans and other groups."And the largest of these direct payment programs--social security, Medicare and apply within--is also the fastest growing federal budget. "MP: the following chart shows a breakdown of the $ 2.3 trillion in payments to individuals by 2010 (from table 11.3) and shows that more than 68% of payments for social security and Medicare/apply within.
In article John, notes that at the same time paid to natural persons is increasing, both in absolute terms and as a share of total federal spending, "the Federal Government increasingly relies on fewer and fewer taxpayers to cover its costs." "When you put together these two trends, what you can find that the Federal Government has over the years is mainly triggered on a gigantic wealth-transfer computer--taking money from a shrinking pool of taxpayers and give to a growing list of preference groups.
Now, depending on your political perspective, one could view this is a good thing or a bad thing.
But whatever your view, this situation will download the federal budget under control more difficult, since it will always include pitting them writing checks against those cashing out. "
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