Forex Gold Market Watch

Monday, February 28, 2011

Intrade introduces inflation futures

Inflation has been getting lots of attention recently.  For example, do a Google News search terms such as "increasing inflation," "inflationary pressures" or "rising food prices, and you'll find almost 3000 s each.  Interestingly, you'll get about the same number of results for the word "deflation."
According to the latest WSJ economic forecasting survey, the consent of more than 50 economists and analysts is that CPI inflation will be 2.1% in December 2011.  But with all the talk recently about the increasing food and commodity prices, there are many guests on CNBC, Bloomberg, and FOX Business News, who believe that inflationary pressures push the much bigger than 2,1% until the end of the year.
With all the incredible difference of opinion about future inflation, it seemed natural to Intrade to introduce inflation futures, and this is exactly what happened just after my suggestion to them.  Here is the link to the six new futures contracts that allow you to take a position on the inflation rate u.s. December 2011, based on the 12-month percentage change in the CPI-u.

View the original article here

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