Forex Gold Market Watch

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

(II) shipments: Walker rejected Union offer to accept concessions

From Milwaukee Sentinel journal:

...The statement was in response to joined cases a statement earlier on Saturday by [State Senator] Erpenbach mentioned he was informed that all State and local trade unions of public servants had agreed with the financial aspects of the budget repair bill Walker. Erpenbach added in his statement that groups like in turn for Walker to agree to let labor groups negotiate collectively, as they do now.

Since collective rights do not themselves have a direct financial impact and, then, is unclear--from a financial perspective--why agreement cannot be done.

Local Fox news affiliate appreciates the numerous anti-bill 70,000 and tea party supporters of the Bill of the Governor of hundreds.

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Shipments III: sorry ...

From the Wis. legislation imposing "regrets" endorser Walker, Thousands protest at Capitol, "Channel 3000:

[Executive Board Chairman of the Association enforcement Wisconsin] Writes Tracy Fuller, "will make an effort to speak, and each Member of the Wisconsin State patrol when I say this ... Sorry for the approval of the Wisconsin Association of Trooper Scott Walker for Ephemeris. With regret the Governor decided to ' adopt ' the troopers and State patrol inspectors Wisconsin. I regret that the recipient of any of the expected benefits provided by chrisi Governor. ...

...I think all of the job and career is just as important as others. Family everyone is just as valuable as mine or other persons, including mine. All needs are just as valuable. We are all very people!! "

An interesting fact I learned from this article: the Capitol and the University of Wisconsin police reserves the right to collective bargaining.

Another interesting effect of Wisconsin is that transit systems will lose around 45 million dollars in funds from the Federal Government under Bill of Governor Walker. From "Walker proposal could lead to 7.1 million dollars to cut aid Federal Madison Metro Transit, Wisconsin State Journal:

The State received millions of dollars in Federal 73,9 transit funding in 2010, including 22.5 million dollars for the Milwaukee area and 7.1 million dollars for Madison, in accordance with the invoice.

Approximately 27.3 million dollars for the Milwaukee area likely would not be affected because Milwaukee County has a contract with a private company, for the execution of the transit service, says the memo.

But the remaining $ 46.6 million, including funds for Madison, "could potentially abnormal" due to the proposal of the Governor, he says.

This happens because:

.. federal law requires continued. collective rights concerning wages, pensions, working conditions and other requirements to Federal transit funds, according to a legislative fiscal Bureau invoice.

The article notes, "[t] his Walker Administration did not respond to a phone call and e-mail" in this respect.

Empirical question of the day: who [which income decile] based more city bus systems in Wisconsin?

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Recovery Rally at GM, Ford

General Motors (GM) and Ford (f) have very different structures nearby chart with GM exhibit a more constructive near term pattern from Ford.  Nevertheless, the two names are in various stages of recovery from the rally highs early February.

Revision graph compare 60 minutes in both, we can see that the Ford Jan double-top 18,97 and 18 88 ending upleg outside of 29 June low to 9.75. Ford has disabled the Feb 3 low at 15.10 and marking in and around mid-15.

GM is a constellation of next triangle, having come out of Feb 3 low 35.13, which ended the correction off Jan 6 high at 39.48. Our objectives are 38 and then 38.60.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

History repeating with YPODIAiRESIS providing intraday reversal lesson

Did you learn the lesson I showed Wednesday titled "Using YPODIAiRESIS prediction intraday starting? If not, here is yet another opportunity to learn an important lesson – history repeats itself the set-nurseries/pattern almost exactly today formed on Wednesday.

Let's look at the current chart as another example of vital this concept:

Click for full-size image.

I will not have time to explain all the concepts that I did in the previous entry in the provision of intraday starting with YPODIAiRESIS – be sure to view the location for complete details.

The idea is that YPODIAiRESIS can achieve a mark of punching One-Two "when it comes to intraday futures index or ETF trading.

The first punch is the multi-swing negative deviation of YPODIAiRESIS, which you can see above. The value pushed and successively higher intraday highs, extreme YPODIAiRESIS did not confirm the high – resulting in a multi-swing divergence.

The second "Punch" is kick-starting signal, wherein YPODIAiRESIS pushes into new intraday highs when value clearly does not produce a new intraday low.

When you receive a multi-swing YPODIAiRESIS deviation followed by YPODIAiRESIS Kick-offs, the first thing to do is close your longs immediately.

Secondly, for aggressive traders – or just your typical experience of intraday trader – you can see a profit for a high-probability (although never guaranteed) Intraday reversal triggered through analysis of a price trend line.

I can show you three opportunities to get short term:

1. the more aggressive entry was about changing the trendline morning before kick-starting signal

2. the allocation of values just after lunchtime gave the first kick off signal as price broke the little support of the 134.55 $ low. The suspension will go over the immediate swing high at $ 134.65 or, preferably, more than intraday high at $ 134.70.

3. the allocation "Bear flag" is one of my very favorite occupations, and came with a small deviation YPODIAiRESIS. This entry is a little less than $ 134.40 (line voltage) and stop over $ 134.50.

Remember if you use ETFs, the values will be different, just as you would have if you are trading futures contract @ ES (my preference for intraday trading), but the new structure/logic/concepts/set-enterprises will be similar.

You can still receive the SPY trade outside the trigger, and then run in your preferred commercial vehicles.

As always, these are lessons that describe/teach ideates report each day for the TRADE.

And why is it important to take time to learn these lessons and concepts?

Because they repeat. What happened today occurred Wednesday (and many times in the past) – those who were aware and prepared had a much better opportunity to recognize this evolution in real time and thus benefit from the opportunity.

Here is the chart of Wednesday as comparison report:

What happened Wednesday both top and bottom are almost identical to what happened today.

Needs time to learn a few concepts and trading intraday tricks – history will repeat … sometimes sooner than we all think.

Corey Rosenbloom, CMT
Afraid to

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Kauffman Foundation survey: improves economic Bloggers Outlook

The Kauffman Foundation published today the new quarterly survey of leading economic bloggers and the General outlook from this group is that there is "a bit of hope" Gust on the horizon, according to a press release. Capital Spectator are surveyed.

Some extracts of the report ...

? Bloggers economy is less pessimistic in their outlook on the American economy than at the end of 2010, although 77 percent believe total conditions are mixed, facing a recession or depression. For an economy where growth is the norm, 31% of respondents believe that the American economy is worse than the official statistics indicate, and only 10 percent, believe is appropriate. When asked to describe the economy with five adjectives, uncertain remains the term most commonly used to describe the economy.

? The number of competing explanations for the recovery of the unemployed can be a bit mind-numbing, but the list of bloggers in economics had a very strong emotions were true and that it was not. Away and the most popular explanation (with a 95 percent agreeing and full majority agreeing strongly) was the reluctance of companies to recruit in an uncertain macroeconomic. Two other explanations have been supported by four-to-one margin: a structural change in the demand for work (e.g., more knowledge, jobs and a secular decline in muscle jobs) and a general decline in aggregate demand. This means that bloggers, I think both recessionary ananeoymena and technological change in the economy is to blame, either face each other. The two ideas rejected bloggers are (1) the theory that associations and employees have lost negotiating power, and (2) the USA wealth has grown labor-Recreation Association, to the extent that people will be more willing to tolerate, leaving their labour force.

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The bubble unsustainable College Handbook

you are here: home > articles > economy > unsustainable College Handbook "Angus" bubble Kevin Grier notes that Greg Mankiw's new manual (6th Edition) has a list price of $ 238.95, but at a discount to sell for "only" $ 191.16 on Amazon. same value as the finance manual Gwartney.  Hi, I don't "collusion" or "pricing?"
As Angus commented: "these days, since you could make yourself a pretty good free authorities only upon receiving the relevant Wikipedia entries, I fail to see how these rents can be preserved for the long term (I'm aware that not all or perhaps even a majority of rents going to authors)."
In other words, there is an unsustainable bubble College tuition book that makes the recent "housing bubble" almost subtle by comparison (see chart above) and rents as originating in 2007 prices or 1995 AT&T long-distance charges, probably cannot be maintained.

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